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تطبيق Turbo-GPS-2 يحتوي هذا التطبيق على كل ما يخص GPS

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

تطبيق Turbo-GPS-2 


 تطبيق Turbo-GPS-2  يحتوي هذا التطبيق على كل ما يخص GPS من أدوات أساسية 

* Improved graphics
* Google Directions screen
* Augmented Reality for waypoints
* NMEA TCP Server
* Track categories
* Waypoint categories
* Better compass and direction systems
* Supports map rotation
* Supports Google Directions, Google Geocoding and Google Elevation requests
* Debugging GPS functions and Simulation track mode
* Tracks/Waypoints (compatible with Turbo GPS 1)
* Unlimited waypoints, tracks, sensors, satellites
* Import from LOC,GPX,KML
* Export to LOC,GPX,KML,KMZ
* Google maps
* NMEA TCP Server
* OpenStreet maps
* TGPS maps
* DropBox Support
* Custom GPS provider support (including Bluetooth external GPS)
* Can download directions from Google Maps
* Internet Pursuit. Requires a response format of x y z (space separated), for example 25.95 23.05 13
* Internet tracking, posts current position to a PHP script.
* GREEK GR87 (ΕΓΣΑ87 ΕΓΣΑ) Grid.

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